We all have a purpose of life, but it’s up to you to find it. If you seek a purpose-filled life, love will be your ultimate goal.
I think this question does not have a simple answer. I believe that you will specify your purpose as you progress along your path, but we can make an approach if you have no clues. I will start by commenting on the reality of someone who has not woken up. If we find ourselves in this stage, our purpose of life will be one that meets the expectations that our parents and ourselves as children had and, probably, also the expectations of your family and friends, and those of your coworkers, of course. In fact, your coworkers will be your best guide to know how far you are from achieving it or not, or if you are staying on the path to achieving it. Unless your current activity is your life calling, this entire reality is terribly empty and you will not find your purpose having it as a reference.
In this scenario, one of the happiest protagonists will be your mind or your ego because it has been the “operations center” that with hard work and diligence has taken you there. Unfortunately the ego is never satisfied and in this scenario you will not find peace. The ego’s emotion is fear and you will soon notice that to continue progressing you will have to make a next more-complex movement based on the fear of something. The worst thing is that, again, you won’t find happiness. Again! And so you will continue moving forward until, disoriented, you begin to perceive that there is something that doesn’t fit, because despite your perfect life, you are not being happy. Then, how to find your purpose in life?
From the ages of 23 to 35 I dedicated myself to improving myself in all the areas that I thought I needed to improve to be happy but, after doing so quite successfully, at 30 years old I concluded that I was not happy. At that time I couldn’t have fun without drinking. I just didn’t understand where others got their supposed happiness from. Why were they happy and I wasn’t, if I was doing the same and often better?
The worst thing about living a life like this is that you can continue it for a long time. Everything will depend on your ability to solve problems and push yourself, but in the long run you’ll lose. The battle against the Universe is like betting on roulette. Regardless of how many times you win, the bank will eventually win. Your resistance to moving forward can be so monumental that you will only realize that you have lost your battle when you see in amazement that absolutely everything around you is over. Probably around this point, you have already entered your “dark night” and in the middle of your now uncontrollable nightmare, you are about to surrender to the Universe. Although it may seem incredible to you, you started a war of attrition where the Universe, Life or God in His infinite love never stopped working on you, He has not given up on you, He does not let you go, and He gives you the opportunity again and again to find Him and live in alignment with Him.
You may also be waiting for God or your soul to give you an unmistakable sign about what your purpose is. Keep one thing in mind. Ideally, this will happen to you before you start your activity. It is the ideal, to have a hunch or an emotion that tells you that your passion is there or that you are going to dedicate your life to that activity. If you get it right you can consider yourself very lucky. But if it hasn’t been like that, you shouldn’t feel bad either. In reality, life has been telling you this but you have been very distracted with everything else and you were never aware of this reality, or perhaps, you simply have not finished finding it yet because you need one more experience.
Let me explain something to you. The first thing you have to know is that your soul will respond to you. Yes, she will do it! But it doesn’t have to be done before you start the activity. And this is one thing that you will have to learn as you progress in your process. You will have to dare first and then your soul will speak to you later. You understand? Stop wanting to take a step only if you know the tile won’t move. That way of thinking is from the ego! The ego doesn’t want you to dare or risk anything. The ego wants you to confirm first and not to jump into the pool if you don’t know if there is water. The ego says don’t let a bird escape from your hand even if there are hundreds in the bush, don’t leave your partner if you don’t have another one on the way, don’t go to a party alone, don’t go to lunch alone, don’t go to the movies alone… There is always an excuse for what you would like to do and you don’t do, either because you are not old enough or, on the contrary, because you are already too old, or you don’t have the necessary strength or you don’t have the body you should for it, or you don’t have the necessary experience, nor enough money, nor family support for it… to the hell!
Haha, listen to me carefully, if you want to find your purpose, at some point you are going to have to send a large part of your “perfect and ideal” life to hell. Just like it sounds. You have so much programming inside you about the logical and orderly steps that you should take according to your education and life circumstances, that you have forgotten to listen to your poor heart. And for that reason, you are going to need bravery and courage to dare yourself first, before your soul, and decide what activity you are going to start.
The great thing is that you and your soul are a team and, like a good team, your soul will respond to you. You will know in a very short time if what you are doing fills your heart and starting a purpose-filled life. How will you know? Well, listening to your soul again. That’s what it’s about. That you listen to her. Start doing what you believe in and you will begin to nail down the direction. Little by little you will realize that you have got it right or that you are approaching the area but the activity must be different.
Have you played that childhood game of below zero-cold, warm-red hot? Well, you will play with your soul, only the answers you get will be when your soul wants to give them. That is, start as a butcher and only then will you know if you like cutting meat and if you would like to cook it too. Perhaps after a season learning about cuts of meat, you will come to the conclusion that being a chef is really your thing. Or you start working within a newspaper and it turns out that your thing was not to write articles in the office but to be a foreign correspondent, only to realize that you love to travel and tell what you see, to end up writing your first historical novel. You start and let your soul and the universe do the rest.
Finding your purpose doesn’t have to be something set in stone. As you progress in your growth, you will get to know yourself better and better. It is impossible for you not to do it since you will only grow to the extent that you learn that you are the cause of what you perceive in life. Therefore, to do this you will have to identify aspects that occur in your life in order to heal them. This complex process in which reality reflects aspects of yourself like a mirror would, will allow you wonderful healings and something even more transcendent: The more you know yourself, the more you will know God, Universe, or Life. Listen carefully to what I tell you. And it doesn’t matter what you think right now because you will only be able to assimilate it when you experience it. Keep knowing yourself and the deeper you go, the more you heal, God will be there at the bottom.
When you connect with your Original Being you will discover that something so beautiful is not of this world. In your Being you understand that there is no fear and that the “daring” you must take are just beautiful steps towards your spiritual awakening. When your soul open its wings in an activity you do, you will feel it throughout your Being. You just have to follow that emotion of accomplishment! And here everything becomes even more beautiful. Because every time you feel your soul, that emotion is aligned with the plan the Universe has for you. That’s why you can feel it, because it is an emotion connected to the divine. It is God telling you This is where it is, don’t you feel it? Stay here. And this leads you to understand that your purpose will always be aligned with God’s plan. And to the extent you fulfill it, the Universe will support you because you are helping Him to spread love (that is, Himself) to the rest of the world. And you will begin to see synchronicities and miracles in your path because Life helps you keep going. That is why your purpose may change, but not in direction, but in scope. It will get bigger and bigger to touch more people. And this may mean that you end up delegating your initial role to focus on supervision and growth. I believe that if this happens to you, the potential of the entire plan that God had for your soul, that is, for you, will open before your eyes.
Are you ready? I hope this exercise helps you find your purpose of life: How to find my purpose in life?
Image Source: Ali Kazal from Pexels