What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Welcome, seeker of heights. You know there are no coincidences. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve noticed some ascension symptoms and made choices long ago that led you to a new level of consciousness.

It doesn’t matter how deeply you’ve explored this ‘level’; what matters is that you’re here, in a new place that feels different, and you may even believe that one of the signs of spiritual awakening is feeling alone.

But guess what? You’re not alone. You are with yourself, with your soul, with the Universe, and, ultimately, with your God (even if you don’t believe in one). And remember: YOUR God. Be patient. You will discover this and many other things that will make your life incredible.

At this point, I must ask you if you’re ready for Spiritual Wellness. If your response is positive, that’s a great beginning. This is the first sign that you are stepping into this fascinating new space.

Keep rising. Your spiritual awakening knows no bounds.

You’re probably already experiencing symptoms of spiritual awakening, and here, you might find deeper insights that confirm you’re on the right path.

Walk at your own pace. Stay calm, because consciousness never comes back. Keep moving forward, enjoying your progress. You will be fine.

Embrace your next phases of spiritual awakening and be ready for healing, tears of joy, self-discovery, and a profound soul connection.

I recommend reading the articles in order, as the simpler ideas come first and will help you better understand the rest. Pick one option below. After that, just follow your heart.

THANK YOU for being here.

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Read my Post #1: What is a spiritual awakening?,

pick a question from the Questions List,

or start with any article below: