Table of Contents
Absolutely. You need to start to live in the moment without judgment as soon as possible, because life is a game, and Trust in the Universe is your next transformational stage.
Trust in Life
This topic is quite deep, and the urge to keep diving deeper into it is a symptom of spiritual awakening. How can I reach the next level? Like me, you’ll find that your opinion on a subject changes, and what once seemed trivial may now feel essential.
This will happen every time your level of consciousness grows. Sometimes it will happen as an extraordinary revelation, and other times it will just give you an unexpected aha moment. Every time it happens, it is a gift because you realize how long it takes to achieve those small milestones and, therefore, you feel grateful and blessed to still have them.
Faith and Fear of the Unknown
Trust in life is the same as faith, as long as it comes from the heart and not from the mind. I always asked myself, How can I have unshakable trust if sooner or later something unexpected always comes up? This made me uncomfortable. It seemed that my fear of the unknown reflected a lack of faith in God or the Universe. How could I strengthen my faith?
That was my mistake. If, like me, you already feel a deep connection with Life or the Universe, then your faith is not the issue. You already have enough faith. Now it is about changing the opinion of another component of the equation.
Shifting Perspectives
I am going to tell you what I feel currently regarding this. The concepts are becoming more complex because today I can say that the awakening of consciousness is something complex. Surely within two years, I can add another aspect that I cannot see today.
I believe that trust in life can be enhanced if you begin to see life as a parade of clouds—the one you saw as a child while lying on your back, gazing at the sky. It can also be like a video game. I also recommend that you read the book Trust by Osho.
Observing as a Spectator
I start from the basis that you already know how to distance yourself from your emotions and view them as a spectator. This process is cultivated and will allow you to observe how your mind works. Remember the phrase that I have already repeated in some other entries: You are not your mind. Experiencing this is essential to embrace many other ideas in your being.
From now on, you will have to make a conscious effort to see each event in life or each emotion as a cloud passing through the sky. The emotion arises at some point, and you see it arrive in all its splendor. And the same with events. Something happens suddenly, and that cloud becomes defined and approaches.
Do you remember when you looked at the clouds in the sky as a child? Well, this is the same. You must see them with ingenuity. You need to start looking at life like this.
Your Parade of Clouds
It’s about starting to see events like this:
“Wow, I ran out of money today” (one cloud),
“The recruiter for the job position didn’t call me today” (another cloud),
“Oh, I don’t feel like doing anything today” (another cloud),
or “Wow, I feel like I’m sick” (next cloud)…
And the same for positive things:
“Wow, a new client is coming right now” (one cloud),
“How lucky, I had money to spare this week” (next cloud),
or “How nice, I just got a hug” (another cloud).
Now, you’re thinking, “Who sees life like that? In such a frivolous way, as if nothing really matters, or in such an overacted and theatrical way…”
Yes, that is the way. Start seeing life with a more theatrical touch, with a touch of ‘staged.’ Or better, like a video game.
A Playful View of Life
And I guess at this point you might want to throw this idea away. Well, don’t throw it away. Look at that thought or emotion and ask yourself why this idea makes you uncomfortable. I’m not saying that life isn’t serious! Maybe you’re facing an illness or someone’s death, and it’s not the best time to delve into this idea.
But I do tell you one thing.
If you don’t have any tragic circumstances right now, this is the time to consider this idea, because it will really help you to face any future event that may be painful or depressing for you.
Live in the Moment without Judgment
Let’s go back to the clouds. I had told you that you should see them coming and observe them carefully. You can comment on their appearance, their peculiarities, and enjoy the beauty in them or just observe that you don’t like them and that they are uncomfortable.
The key of this observation is that you must look at them without judging. And this is the component of the equation that you must “modify.” Don’t you remember how you saw the clouds as a child? You simply observed and enjoyed them. If you didn’t like them, you let them pass and waited for the next one. This is how it works.
You have to look at events with the same innocent curiosity, without judgment! This is how you looked at clouds before. And this is how a child does it. And you are going to have to do it consciously, making an effort to feel it that way.
Life as a Unique Journey
Do you know what happens when you start looking at events without judgment? Life starts to seem like something completely subjective, made exclusively for the eyes of the beholder. The beholder is the only one who can know what he is thinking and imagining with each event. And lying on the ground, there are all your friends and family watching their own clouds go by.
Now is when you will begin to understand why it no longer makes sense to compare yourself to others.
Every life is a completely personal experience. Events are neither good nor bad—they just are. They simply appear in the sky of your life, and you look at them. And you realize that each person has their events and their emotions, and that you can’t compare yourself. And you will see that some cry with the cloud and others laugh. And that when you cry, another is laughing, and when you laugh, another cries.
And what about the video game?
Life is a Game
Well, think about it for a moment. If you were in a scenario and your character had nothing to do, how long do you think that situation would last until the first unexpected event arose?
Events will appear because otherwise the game would not be fun. And your life has an end. Life will present you with neutral events you must experience and learn from to move forward. And each emotion will once again be another cloud that will also pass.
Life is a completely personal game (or set of experiences), and each person has his or her own. And you can’t compare yourself; you can only have a glimpse or a reference of what you could do with your cloud by watching how another player faces his or hers. In this way, you can enrich your experiences, learning from others and waiting to see what you feel with each experience.
When you realize that you are in a personal and non-transferable experience and you witness all the other players experiencing their own game, life begins to seem a little more playful.
Finally, nothing is malicious. It is just Existence creating clouds that are magically personal to you and your growth.
Release your Cloud
Write this phrase on a piece of paper, and repeat it before you fall asleep at the end of your day. It is a phrase from the book The Way of the Heart:
“I forgive and release this day. It has been perfect, and it is over.”
I suppose that if you are grateful for each day, forgiving it is easy. But the key here is that you also “release it.” And in doing so, you let it go, like the cloud that was, and you don’t expect to relive it the next day, because it wouldn’t be fair. Tomorrow won’t be a cloud of that day.
And then you free yourself from the persecution that events impose on you—so harmful and obsessive—the karma that pursues you or the ill wishes of others. And then you get to see the great forest of your experience and not the trees (the clouds).
If you are here, in your game, and all you have to do is observe and feel from there, then all that remains is to wait for the next cloud, and if not, the next one, and the next one. And trust that you will be here to continue seeing more. Do you realize? If you don’t judge, all that remains is the trust that you are in a stage made just for you.