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Last updated: 10/24/24
Faith is the ‘amount’ of God that you decide to receive. It is the amount of God that you let pass through you. It is how aware you are of your divine essence.
Faith Meaning
What is faith? They say that faith is the belief or conviction of what cannot be seen. Personally, much later I heard a much more beautiful definition of faith, which filled the gap of all the others and immediately aligned with my truth: “Faith is the amount of God that you decide to receive and let pass through you.”
Faith is a beautiful thing. It will be intimately linked to your awakening process. I started from an almost non-existent faith! It doesn’t really matter if it is a lot or a little, what matters is that you decide that you want to increase it and anchor it definitively in your heart. I started from an almost non-existent faith, which also fluctuated constantly.
I Don’t Have Enough Faith, I Think
Awakening is something magical. All the pieces of your personal growth always touch each other and if one grows, you notice the effects on all of them. If one vibrates, all the others vibrate, because deep down, all of them will lead you to love.
You will realize this as you experience your beautiful process. And along with the awareness of your own being, faith is the most important piece. It is the effect that grows along with you.
How to Grow in Faith
At first you may think you have faith, although if you believe or infer it, you are probably looking in the wrong place. Faith is felt. But it is not just feeling goodness or an inclination towards God, Universe, Life or whatever you want to call it. In order for you to live it, you must experience it, you must feel it. You must feel yourself.
You have to feel how special you are, how great and unique you are. You have to feel that you are part of something beautiful and that you are deeply loved by life. From that state of love, you will feel your faith, because it cannot be any other way. It is inevitable to realize that you are something bigger than your body.
Being aware of it and experiencing it is an experience greater than your own earthly life, because it is prior to this life. Look: if you believe that you will not die when your body dies, if you believe that there is another life after this one, then you cannot die. And if you can’t die, you were already alive before you were born. You understand?
Faith in God
You are eternal, you have a soul connected to the divine. You are a grain of sand in a vast desert, a particle of a great God of pure love, because you can feel it when you feel yourself. In that moment, connected to life, you are in certainty. To the extent you are aware of this, the greater the perception of your faith will be. The bigger, more powerful, and resounding you feel, the more you will be convinced that your faith, whatever its size, is immovable, unalterable, and infinite. That is why it will grow more and more until it becomes a truth.
Defend Your faith
There was a movie called Quest for Fire (1982). The film began with the journey of a tribe of Cro-Magnons advancing to protect a small flame. They protected it because they didn’t know how to make fire and, consequently, it was so important to them to keep it lit that they gave their lives so that it would not go out. The flame they carried was tiny but they defended it because they knew everything it entailed. The film is about something else but, as a child, I was impressed by this beginning. How could it be so important to die for?
Throughout my awakening I realized that faith is a small flame that shines within you. You know it’s important but you don’t know how to make it bigger. My advice is that you learn to meditate. It is essential that you know how to connect with yourself, how to feel yourself part of something bigger. You must feel that it lives inside you and recognize it, regardless of its size. Because the difficulty of all this does not depend on the initial size of your faith, but on how much you are willing to let it enter you.
Enjoy the Living Faith Cycle
I’m talking to you about your surrender. Surrender to that small flame and you will automatically make it a little bigger. What makes it small is your fear of surrendering to it, a barrier you have or a fear. Let it shine and love it. And then small miracles will begin to come into your life because you have decided to make way for them. And with every miracle, with every test, your faith will increase even more. And then you can surrender a little more to your faith. And a next, bigger miracle will happen and you will surrender again. And so over and over again.
The Power of Faith of a Mustard Seed
Protect your flame, defend your faith and watch it grow. And above all remember that you are not alone. You don’t have to do it alone. Ask the Universe, Life or God, tell it to help you have more faith, to send you proofs that you can understand. And again, everything will be paradoxically magical, because if you ask for it with genuine faith, even if your initial flame is as small as a mustard seed, your wish will occur.
This song helped me: Need You Now. I hope it inspires you. Listen to it and embrace your faith.