Who is God, What is God

The answers to ‘Who is God’ and ‘What is God’ are revealed through connection with God. God is not an intellectual concept but a truly life-changing experience.

This point can be as deep as you are willing to take. The steps to awakening are simple but having them occur within us, makes them complex, slow to execute and uncomfortable to accept, or painful to experience in some cases.

Who is God?

Who is God for you? The first thing to reconsider, if that’s what you think, is that God is a man in a white robe and beard looking down from heaven. If your concept of God is more aligned with a Cosmic Intelligence, Life, or the Universe, it’ll be easier for you to understand that this Supreme Being is present in everything and everywhere.

So, because God is in everything, that means he’s in us too. Now there is a small nuance. God does not come to visit us inside when we talk to him or pray and then he leaves. Whether we feel it present intermittently is up to us. God is in us always. In fact, our soul is a little piece of God.

A desert as a concept of God

One comparison that really helped me get this concept is thinking of God like a desert. Picture God as the whole desert, with all its sand dunes. Now, imagine each grain of sand represents a person, including you. Therefore we can say that both God (who is the entire desert) and a handful of sand are desert, because each handful is part of it. Therefore every grain of sand is also a desert.

Look at it with another action. Imagine that you see a person destroying grains of desert sand. You could say that person is harming the desert, right? It’s an absurd example, but it helps us. Do you see that in this case when they attack a grain (or grains) of sand, they are attacking the desert?

The same principle applies to us. We’re all parts of God, so whether you’re talking about people or God himself, you’re talking about the same thing. That’s why when someone harms another person, or any creation of God, they’re essentially harming God too.

Discovering how to get closer to God

The same thing happens when you understand that we are energy and we are all in a world where everything is molecules in motion, vibrating at a certain frequency. In the end all things are energetically connected according to the vibration at which they live.

All this may seem an affront, as if we’re trying to elevate ourselves to the level of God. But this is a result of our constant tendency to believe that we’re separate from Him. This is further reinforced by the belief that you’re a human with a soul. You’re not a human with a soul. Instead, you’re a soul inhabiting a human body, a divine spark living a human experience.

Experiencing the connection with God

Another resistance to accepting that we’re connected to God is the fact of not feeling it. In many posts I will tell you that you must meditate and connect with your inner being. The magic of that contact will meteorically push you to believe it, because your mind lacks arguments to counteract this experience, despite all the justifications it has previously constructed. In the journey of awakening, firsthand experience is crucial. This is because the world of emotions (where everything happens), must be fully felt.

If you have understood this, we can go further. Notice how everything becomes more beautiful as you awaken. Look, you are already clear that God is within you. Also that your soul is part of God and therefore that you are God too. Stop trying to separate yourself from God; fragmented or whole, you’re part of Him, a manifestation of His being. Indeed, God experiences Himself through your life journey and those of others.

God love

When you feel like you are a little piece of God, it’s inevitable to feel deeply loved. Here you will have to work on your self-esteem and feel worthy of all the good things that this world is going to offer you, just because it was created for you.

Each time you connect to the Source, you will better understand that something so beautiful cannot be limited to your body. Your body becomes a small vessel for the immense love you experience. This will help you realize that the world was never as you imagined and that your soul can only unfold when you pay attention to the world of emotions. Only there is where you can clearly pursue their desires and feel their emotions of enthusiasm, love and fearlessness.

God is here

And we can still continue to beautify this reality. Now that you feel God and that you are part of Him, you’ll start to perceive the world differently, seeing divinity in everything—nature, sunsets, rain, and, this point is key, in people.

And here, your consciousness may expand. Because if you can truly be aware that your partner is God, that your friends are God, or that the person you just met and like so much is God, you’ll start to no longer feel His absence. Do you understand? The emptiness of not being close to God will no longer make sense. You will never again wonder whether God exists or not, because now you know Him in person and even talk to Him every day. God is with me. God is with you. God is in your parents. God is in your children and your brother.

Can you see it now? He is right in front of you, in the person you see when you look in the mirror.