At the heart of Christmas lies a profound truth: everything begins and ends with you; there’s nothing outside. So, Christmas is about you. Shine as the divine being you are.
In this process you will never stop learning. You will realize that everything is susceptible to a new interpretation, as you integrate new concepts. You will be able to compare the learned answers with the new ones and you will decide which one to keep. The best thing is that now you will be aware of it and decide which one you want to feel. You will begin to realize which reality is the most loving and, therefore, which world you want to live in. You will discover what your truth is. Yours. Always remember that everyone has their own and it is not your role to judge the truth of anyone else. Life is about living your Truth (your God). Does the saying you will not worship other gods before me sound familiar to you? It is this! Be true to YOUR Truth, whatever it may be.
Christmas is a time to live as a family and from within, like the rest of the celebrations, according to your religion. If you could live all the existing ones, feeling them from the heart, your life would be full of magical moments. I will talk to you about Christmas because it has been my experience.
If there are kids in your life, Christmas is fantastic. The presence of the children ensures that everything is magical and that there is an exciting Christmas mood at home, regardless of whether the star is Santa Claus, Baby Jesus, the Three Wise Men, or all of them. And what about adults? Lately I felt that Christmas only made sense when I lived it through the eyes of a child. Throughout your process you will fill in small blank spaces where a piece was missing. A few days ago I filled a small blank space with a piece that fit the loving reality that I want to live. And that’s why I want to tell you, because maybe the same thing happens to you and you feel that without kids Christmas loses part of its meaning.
Do you know what is the Easter Star meaning? The symbol of Christmas is a star, the Eastern Star. And at Christmas the birth of the son of God is celebrated. And who is the son of God? You! You are the son of God, not just Jesus. Christmas is talking about you! Christmas becomes an opportunity for you to live God within you, to live your resurgence as the child of God that you are. Do you realize? You are the Star, you carry it within you. A spiritual Christmas invites you to shine, illuminate your darkness and take it there to guide others on a dark night. Feel like a son of God and live your birth, your inner Christ. Is it not beautiful?