Inside you, there are dark areas that need to be illuminated and loved. But to love them, you must first be aware of them.
What do enlightenment mean? Don’t try to define the enlightenment because it is a process that will change according to your state of consciousness.
In your spiritual awakening process you will ask yourself many new questions, but mostly you will review what you have learned in the past. The much-sought spiritual enlightenment is not bringing light from outside to illuminate yourself (You are already that light!). It’s actually simpler, it’s about bringing your light to your own dark areas. And there are many, even when you think that regarding a specific issue there are no more left.
Dark areas are all those areas that you need to heal. They are those areas where you need to bring the light of consciousness, that is, realize (be aware) that there is a conflict, and then illuminate it, that is, heal it. Conflicts are healed with love. In reality you will heal everything with love. That’s why every time you will always end up in the same place, in love. Feeling it. Throughout your process, this will be the fundamental emotion that comes back to you again and again and that is why it will be so rewarding.
Love heals everything because it integrates. Love embraces everything and rejects nothing. It doesn’t separate but unites. And you will begin to realize that that is why with love you don’t ask for explanations, because deep down, at the moment of feeling it, the justification no longer matters. All possible responses to the conflict are already accepted and integrated into love and, therefore, you love them. To love a conflict you are going to have to forgive it and turn that pain or fear into love. To the extent that this happens, your unresolved problems will dissolve in love and will stop disturbing you, since now you will live them with the love that you feel in so many other things.
Spiritual enlightenment implies that your reality is becoming more and more loving and this means that you judge less. You will have to do it since love does not take sides but only loves. The moment you judge, you declare a reality that you don’t like and you reject it. If you reject something, you separate yourself from Love (God) and this hurts. Do you see how everything can be healed with the action of loving? It will not be an easy process since you will have to convince your mind to forgive and love. Your mind will not be satisfied since it surely has many non-negotiable reasons to keep the problem alive and unresolved.
Have I already told you that you will have to learn to meditate? You are going to need it because you will require a moment where it is just you and your heart, without your mind, in order to come to feel genuinely, regardless of what you should theoretically feel according to your mind. The truth is that you will have to heal step by step, brick by brick, because each barrier you have put up for love is supported by another barrier. That is, each justification of yours has another one that supports it as well and this chain can be difficult to accept or face. How do you get to the origin of the chain? Well, you will need a state of introspection where you can feel the emotion of each barrier and identify the emotion that supports the others. In my meditations, if I perceive a conflict, I isolate the emotion so I can ask myself: What do you feel? Once I get the answer, for example anger, sadness, deception, etc., I ask Why? And I answer again, for example, Because I feel frustrated. Then I ask again, Why? Because I feel alone, Why? and so on until reaching an emotion that could be, for example, feeling unloved. Once you identify the first emotion of the chain (when you are aware of it), you will see that this emotion lies within you and that you really don’t need others to heal anything. Although the process hurts, restoring love will only depend on you. And once you love this first emotion that serves as a foundation for the rest, the others will fall by themselves, because they will stop making sense. You may cry throughout the entire process because it will involve identifying (illuminating) an emotion of lack of love that had remained very hidden under excuses of all kinds, but I can assure you that what you will feel afterwards will be fantastic. Healing a hidden emotion is so comforting that every effort you dedicate to your growth will be worth it. There really is no more important priority in your life.
Life will present you with many situations that you will have to love. Every comment or trait from a person that causes you rejection or pain will become an opportunity for you to examine why you have felt that way and what sustains it within you. In the end, you will realize that life is teaching you how to love! In fact, the journey of life consists of you learning to love in all the situations you experience, accepting all possibilities and loving them. We start out being love, a divine spark, and we learn how to return to that same love, how to restore the original love, how to be more and more love, that is, God. To live enlightened is to live experiencing love in all possibilities, it is to reach a holy state aligned with the mind of God.