Forgiveness isn’t dependent on circumstances or others. It’s a crucial part of our healing journey and accepting all the possibilities in our lives.
We’ve briefly been taught about the forgiveness process — it’s more than just saying I forgive you; it’s about truly feeling it. It’s both simple and complex. And as time goes by, you’ll realize that it applies to all things. Why? Because everything happens within us and that makes it complex.
Understanding what happens when we forgive is key to forgiving without harboring resentment. This is one of the major differences you’ll experience when you awaken. Each forgiveness becomes a smoother process, leaving fewer loose ends to revisit later.
When you understand what forgiveness means, it becomes easier to feel it fully, with love. Because forgiveness means returning to love, transforming the issues that trouble or discomfort you into love, where healing occurs.
Consider this: God is pure love. Feeling close to Him when doing good deeds or spreading love brings joy. When we decide not to forgive, we separate ourselves from that loving reality with which we are aligned. And we feel bad.
Why is this happening? Because deep down, you’ve chosen separation. And many other things come together here that you will understand later, but one of them is the fact that to be happy you must accept all possibilities. That is, you must also accept what you don’t like, you can’t just stay with what seems good to you.
When someone behaves in a way you dislike or does something unexpected, understand it’s just one of life’s options, presented to you for a reason, even if you don’t comprehend it now. It is for your highest good. The reason you must accept all options is very simple: God is ALL options. All of them are and belong to your God. Refusing an option means refusing a part of God, causing the pain of unforgiveness. It’s not about religion. To separate yourself from your own God is to separate yourself from the love that you are in essence. We are love because it makes us feel good even before we know what it is or understand it conceptually. Love is inherent within us from birth. Does that make sense?
That’s why forgiving feels liberating, whether done in person, silently, or if that person is simply already deceased and we have decided to forgive something after his death to release a burden.
Forgiveness isn’t reliant on others or external factors. It’s OUR healing process, a demonstration of how loving we are. Forgiveness connects us with our cosmic essence to do what it has known how to do since coming into this world: LOVE.
You don’t need your mind to forgive; forgiveness comes from the heart. Your mind may think it needs to analyze and agree to forgive, but this pact is never necessary. Forgiveness arises naturally from the heart, from the love that defines us.
You must feel that life is placing a situation in front of your eyes for your highest good and it requires you to look at it and love it, whatever it may be, and decide to accept that it is in your life for a reason that you don’t understand now, but that you will be able to understand later, when you accept it, integrate it and love it.
Cry if you need to until there is no pain and breathe into the void that will be created right after. Hold on and don’t separate, because love will come to fill that void immediately. You can feel it. You have returned to love. Feel the love that you are. And from there, from that emotion, from that state, choose to be alongside your God.
Image Source: PickPik