You awaken because you’ve chosen to pay less attention to your mind and listen to what your heart screams. By connecting with your soul, you feel its enthusiasm and fall in love with life.
Though you’ll recognize your moment of surrender to the universe, your spiritual awakening will unfold gradually over the next few days. You will notice it when your usual responses from your belief system are not the same, since your system is no longer the same. Eventually, all your new insights will interconnect, setting off a surprising and enlightening chain reaction.
At that point, you’ll realize your life has transformed, marking the end of your old way of being. How will life after a spiritual awakening be?
I remember feeling my new life philosophy filling the voids in my values and spirituality. Each empty space represented an unresolved moral or ethical dilemma, awaiting a fulfilling resolution.
One afternoon, in my room, I sensed my new perspective completing my mental puzzle. It was a revelatory experience, causing me to gaze around in wonder with my mouth open as my mental panorama expanded in every direction I looked.
The whole episode lasted about 5 or 6 seconds, leaving me so elated that I messaged my parents, “The philosophy that’s changing my life! Haha, I think I’m finally learning to be happy! It took me 42 years and many setbacks, but it was worth it 🙂 This video sums up much of what I’m trying to live. I’m happy!” along with one of the many YouTube videos I watched daily.
Everything I share isn’t aimless or self-congratulatory. I share to assure you that you’re not alone in this journey and that you’ll also experience this profound spiritual awakening.
The changes you’ll undergo will be diverse, but they’ll all stem from a newfound foundation, one of the signs of spiritual awakening: incredible gratitude.
Fall in love with life
This will have a fantastic consequence, the most blissful symptom of spiritual awakening: You’ll fall in love with life. It’s the same feeling and the same emotion and excitement but there’s no specific person to attribute them to. You’ll be astounded by what’s happening, but don’t fret because you don’t have to take my word for it. You’ll experience it firsthand. It’s a love for life!
These moments of falling in love with life will occur 2 or 3 times daily, each time bringing tears of joy. They’ll recur frequently, triggered by various stimuli—whether driving and catching sight of the sun, observing nature, listening to music, or engaging in physical activity.
I initially thought I was becoming too sensitive or perhaps I was experiencing some underlying emotional problem that was manifesting itself in this way as the only way out. However, the whole experience was always one of enthusiasm and extreme happiness. Today, I can say that it wasn’t extreme; rather, what happened was that I was finally feeling life without all my barriers or mental constructs that prevented me from fully experiencing it. Furthermore, you’ll later realize that what you were truly doing was feeling yourself, connecting with your soul, and experiencing your true essence.
Parable of the Prodigal Son
While this article is lengthy, I’d like to share one insight. This experience you’ve had or will have mirrors the Parable of the Prodigal Son. I never grasped its meaning until I lived it. Probably each religion interprets it in a different way, so I will share with you a metaphysical meaning, the most loving and magical, typical of the Universe in which I want to live. The parable exemplifies the process of the consciousness awakening and isn’t tied to religion. Don’t allow your mind to deter you from embracing spiritual teachings found in a sacred text that may not align with your religious beliefs.
In essence, the parable recounts a wealthy man with two sons. One of them decides to leave his father’s house and squanders his inheritance on a reckless lifestyle, living in misery and suffering calamities. Upon returning home, he asks his repentant father for forgiveness. Instead of rebuking him, the father hugs him and has a party and a great feast to celebrate it. The other son questions the celebration because the truly exemplary son was him, who stayed with his father with loyalty and diligence.
Why doesn’t the father get angry with the wayward son? The truth is that this is what happens before awakening spiritually.
One seeks happiness everywhere except in oneself, and pursues social events and pleasure in all its manifestations simply because it appears to be the most rational and even necessary path to living a good and happy life. All these moments are marked by emotional turbulence, leading to a pivotal moment that sparks a consciousness awakening.
Life after a spiritual awakening
And what happens next? The Life doesn’t condemn you; it showers you with even more love for returning. You see it? You will feel it like this!
Life, your existence, your life experience, will seem much more beautiful than before, and you will feel absolutely loved by life, free from judgment or criticism. You will realize that life is loving you more, even though your routine remains the same, simply because now you are happier. How can this be?
You will feel total love, celebration, even shedding tears of joy completely amazed. Now you feel all the Love there is in your life! And you will realize that before you had lived unconsciously, without being aware of all the love you already had.
Image Source: Cole Keister from Pexels