Your life is a custom ‘course in learning to love’ tailored for you. The Universe is your teacher and guides you by reflecting opportunities for self-perception, where love can thrive.
The Law of Mirror is also known as the Self-Perception Theory, or Law of Correspondence (third law of the Laws of the Universe).
This theory will become law as you assimilate it. For me, and I think for anyone who is delving into the awakening of consciousness, this law is one of the most fabulous paradigms you will find. If you understand and assimilate it, this will be one of your first clicks. You may even understand it and have a hard time accepting it, because to the extent that you accept it, you will also be accepting that this life is much more complex, intricate, paradoxical and extremely intelligent to be the result of chance.
Law of the Mirror tells us that everything we see in our reality doesn’t refer to those people, things or events external to you. Everything in this world is reflecting a reality of yours. You live a version of reality that speaks only about you.
Let’s start. And to do this I have to explain some separate ideas to you first, to then unite them and facilitate understanding.
In general terms, you will agree with me that our brain is the organ through which we process all the surrounding reality. Each person perceives the world in their own way, in a personal and unique way. No two people can ever perceive the same event in the same way. Nor will they be able to form the same idea of a particular person. For example, a teacher may be cool to one student and grumpy to another. Or a neighbor may be nice to some and antisocial to others. Of course you can say that there’s no accounting for taste and that we are all different and like different things. Haha you’re absolutely right, but that’s not the point. We already know that there are differences between each one! What we are looking at now is that regardless of what things are your favorites or what attributes of a person you like, each person is building their reality with the knowledge they have within them! It simply cannot be any other way.
For example, if you know a lot about music, you will be able to detect in a song all the bars, influences or fusion of styles that exist in the melody. Maybe you can say that it has a rock or soul base, and that it has touches of jazz or touches of salsa. That is, you will construct reality based on what is inside you, you will use all those inputs to establish, judge or label the song or event. Likewise, another person who doesn’t know about music may only find music upbeat and fun, or trendy and loud. Each one makes based on what he has inside.
Let me elaborate a little on this point, because I don’t want you to think that we experience an event only depending on whether our knowledge about a subject is deep or superficial. The reflection process occurs in any way and your level of knowledge is inconsequential for it to occur.
This can be seen with children who don’t yet have deep knowledge. Imagine a boy seeing a woman with a perfect body or a girl seeing a very athletic man. I’m basing this on stereotypes so we can understand it more easily. In these cases, children will only see a pretty woman or a strong man, but will not go further. An adult may detect many other things of a sexual nature, simply because the adult is aware of them. You understand? And he is aware because those concepts are already inside him.
You can try this other example: a bad or malicious person, a scary person that an adult wouldn’t go near. Perhaps a child would do it because he doesn’t detect that degree of perversity, selfishness, meanness or greed that an adult might see. You see it? For the child, these concepts of greed, malice, meanness, and sordidness don’t exist, because he doesn’t yet know them. For him there are only good or bad people, but he doesn’t yet imagine grotesque, sordid or atrocious attitudes. Children still don’t know that all that exists and in their world those nuances simply don’t exist. But it’s not that they don’t exist, they just don’t see them. In their reality they do not exist because each one composes reality with the pieces of knowledge (consciousness) that they have inside.
What can you do when you know this? Become an observer. Life will constantly show you things about yourself: what you notice, what you find funny, what you look for, what you admire, what you fall in love with, what hurts you, what irritates you, what scares you or what disgusts you. And everything will always have to do with you. You won’t have to do anything special to find out. Life will constantly evaluate you and you will continually know at what level of consciousness you are each day. What should be your goal then? May your days be increasingly harmonious, calm and loving.
All this works for both the negative and the positive. So when you fall in love with an aspect of someone, it is because all those wonderful qualities are not only possessed by your partner. YOU have them too , because if not, you wouldn’t be able to see them, you wouldn’t identify them. Therefore, the partners you have throughout your life are closely linked to your level of consciousness and personal growth. That is why your last partner will be more similar to you than the first, because along the way, you will have discarded superficial aspects that you previously valued and you will have cultivated with effort the essential ones in yourself, which will then have made you able to identify and value them in your new partner. You see it?
You can consider this simply called maturing. Of course it is, but waking up and continuing on this path will make you acquire so much wisdom and be aware of so many things, that one day most people your age will seem superficial to you, because you will be aware of many aspects that most people are not. Perhaps then you will find yourself more comfortable talking to people much older than you simply because they are wiser.
Likewise, you can use this circumstance to heal or enhance something in yourself. For example, if you detect that you feel envy about something, transform it into admiration and wish it for yourself and the other person, without envy, but from love.
If a person’s obesity shocks you, take care of your body and improve it, because you are actually feeling that rejection with your own body. If a person with a perfect body seems conceited to you, then you should look at your self-esteem and perhaps you should work on having a perfect body yourself. This way you would understand that people with seemingly smug attitudes are actually sharing their joy and effort to stay healthy, without it being anything personal towards you.
And so with everything, with someone’s education, with culture, with kindness, with a couple’s signs of love, with the happiness you see in the faces of others, with bitterness, pain or sorrow, etc. Just start seeing what you see in your day. Do you understand?
The incredible aspect of this self-perception theory is that as you grow in awareness and begin to assimilate and accept it, you’ll notice that people continue to perceive everything you perceived before. Then, you’ll realize they don’t perceive the reflection, and life seems more hostile and difficult to them, as it did to you before.
Therefore, knowing that everything reflects an aspect of you, you will now have to make an effort to judge less and love more. Ultimately you will have to change YOU to eliminate the things you don’t like to see in your reality. How is it done? Forgiving.
And here is one of the benefits of the Mirror Law: When you forgive something (that is, returning it to love), it will become part of love and therefore will dissolve into it. As a result, you’ll stop seeing it as an interference to a loving day. You will view the same things (now forgiven) with love, and they will no longer affect or bother you. Moreover, if you change correctly, life will become less destructive, less irritating and your reality will become more beautiful and loving.
If you have understood this Universal Law, now a wonderful magical reality begins for you. From now on, every day you will be able to realize your progress and know where you are on the path. You will only have to observe and be aware of what things disturb you to heal them or what things you like to promote them. Life will present you again and again with any aspect that remains to be healed, because in its infinite love, it will give you the opportunity to return to love (forgive) again and again. Do you understand? All life is a fabulous school to learn to love. That’s what it’s about, remembering again how to love in the face of all circumstances. It’s about returning to original love.
Image Source: Amelie from Pexels