The Universe has a unique way of telling you that it is still working on you. Take note of the message and follow the plan.
The universe has an incredible way of telling you that you are on the right track. Honestly, it’s one of the coolest parts of this journey and your conscious life. Why? Because like miracles, this will be a magical event.
Synchronicities don’t have to be transcendental experiences. They can happen at any time and will surely provide the answer to something that worries you. They could also confirm a decision you’ve made.
A very common synchronicity example could be as simple as repeatedly encountering the number 1111, prompting you to pay attention to your inner awakening. If you’re seeing this number, often considered an angel number, and feel like the Universe is trying to tell you something, why not start meditating to help nurture this feeling in your life? The point here is not the number but what you are feeling seeing it.
Another simple example of synchronicity could be seeing an image or word repeatedly in different situations. Maybe that’s a sign you should pay attention to.
Now, let’s see what could be a definition of synchronicity, understanding them as signs of the universe: They are a chain of extraordinary coincidences, a sequence of seemingly random and unconnected events that create a scenario in which you experience something that eclipses everything else, providing you with a unique and personal answer to something you asked for or were seeking.
Other times, it can be a more complex chain of events that changes your life. When I had only $300 left in my account, I asked God if he wanted me to stay in the U.S. or if I should return to my country. I didn’t have the faith I have now, but still, I sought help from Him. The church was closed, so I sat on the stairs with my fingers intertwined, as if I were resting, although in reality, I was praying.
I felt ashamed to see myself in that situation and even more ashamed to have to turn to God. I told Him I needed a clear answer because I had lost my job a month ago and didn’t have money for the next rent, which I had to pay in 20 days. It was Tuesday. What happened next over the next three days changed my life forever.
On Wednesday, they started renovations in my building and only 2 apartments were affected. The owner said I could move to another apartment. I did that day, and by Thursday, I got a call about a job offer in another state. On Friday, I gave them my response, accepting the position. Because I had been forced to move to another apartment against my will, the contract gave me the opportunity to get my deposit back, which never happens when you break a one-year lease. With that money, I hired a moving company to haul my stuff to another state since I couldn’t drive yet. The answer I’d been seeking was crystal clear, and amazed, I followed it.
A few years later, during a time when I was desperately seeking to get closer to God, I entered a bookstore looking for a book that would help me understand my situation. I was the only customer. In the hallway next to me, a book fell. When I picked it up, the book was titled Jesus Calling, and it was the one I bought.
Synchronicities have been there for me during key moments of my life, such as a new job or the purchase of my house, but also in moments when I was looking for an answer from the Universe. For example, what are the chances that some days after a job interview, when the song The Impossible Dream plays, I am thinking about who will be the winning candidate and when I look up, the first thing I see in front of me is an advertising poster with the phrase You are victorious?
Whatever the case, synchronicities are a wink from the universe, letting you know it’s got your back and is paying attention.
Of course, this is our perception because Life sustains you absolutely all the time. Think that if God stopped paying attention to you for just a second, you simply would not be in this world.
Synchronicities will seem most evident to you at first, when there is still fear in many areas of your life. Later you will learn to see them often because each gesture in life will seem like another small synchronicity, and you will feel that everything flows in harmony.
Synchronicities will be the magical experiences of your life. Every time I experience one, it reminds me that I am immersed in a magical substance of infinitely loving and intelligent energy and that if I am attentive and aligned, I can see how it works. Each spiritual synchronicity is that divine flash that you will notice because you are where you need to be, in the right place at the right time. Feel happy and grateful because it is your glimpse of the divine magic that surrounds and guides you!
Synchronicity will help you be aware of your faith. Your mind will classify the entire event as a coincidence, and even you will have to make an effort not to think that everything was just an incredible coincidence.
But it’s not so simple because if you are here, it’s because you already sense that coincidences don’t exist. And despite all the reasoning to conclude that everything was a meaningful coincidence, what makes the difference here is what you felt when you experienced it.
Remember that everything happens in the world of emotions. It is where your soul lives and where your consciousness level expands.
Ask yourself why you were aware that synchronous events were occurring. How could you recognize them? Or why did you think maybe the Universe was sending you a message?
Don’t you realize? Just the fact that you were aware is your answer. You have witnessed, no, rather, experienced a synchronous event tailor-made for you, for the time necessary for you to be aware of it and experience it. And the moment the idea of synchronicity enters your mind, you realize that that was the purpose because coincidences don’t exist.
Living synchronicities with joy and emotion will make you enjoy life, and you will feel aligned with the divine. It will make you more grateful, and best of all, it will increase your faith.
At this point, you may think that it is fanciful to take coincidences as divine messages, but I want to clarify something for you. It happens just the opposite. You’ll only notice these synchronicities if you’re open to them. Remember what I said about changing our reality? This is the same thing. It’s about changing our perception of things, and then everything changes. This is how the Universe works. It all starts with your consciousness.
Once again, don’t listen to your head, and let what you felt be your answer. The barrier or blockage to surrendering to the world of emotions is a slow and complex task because it means that your heart guides your life, without logic taking precedence.
Remember that you decide what world to live in and what YOUR truth is. Embrace each synchronicity and surrender to what you feel and YOUR experience. That’s where you live, that’s where you’re headed, and that’s where you’ll be happy.