The connection with your soul is inevitable if you seek it out. Simply pay attention to the signs you’ve learned to ignore. And it doesn’t matter whether your mind agrees or not, as only you can embark on this reunion with your soul.
This point is undoubtedly crucial and I will continue commenting on it in upcoming posts. Connecting with ourselves, especially at the outset or during our journey, is paramount. Prioritizing this connection with what some call “the source” is essential, because the experience you get from this contact with your soul will be what keeps you absolutely enthusiastic.
I learned to connect with myself when I learned to meditate. Initially, it felt confusing with unclear expectations. I didn’t know how much time to devote to it or what I should experience. From my own journey, I recommend integrating meditation into your daily routine, but before looking for a specific method, let me share, from my personal experience, some ideas about the connection with your soul.
Your starting point should be this: You have to know that you’re not a human with a soul. It’s the other way around. You’re a soul in a human body. You are a soul, a divine spark in a human experience. Internalize this, and it’ll pave the way for living from the realm of emotions, where your soul resides.
Plus, you’ll have to listen to it. Regardless of whether you’re consciously aware of connecting with your soul, it’s essential to actively listen. We all have a small voice that lives within us. You must make an effort to identify it. If you’re already familiar with this, perfect. If you are still not clear, you should start to notice what that thought is, that second opinion that usually comes to mind when you hear something funny, when you perceive a risk, when you observe something beautiful, when you see a beautiful person, or when you look in the mirror, for instance.
In certain situations, you might notice an unspoken opinion echoing in your mind. Maybe you think it’s your conscience when you do something wrong, or your regrets. Take note if it consistently carries the same tone and personality. Your soul will always speak to you in a loving way and perhaps with a different humor than yours, more authentic and without fear. Pay close attention, and you’ll recognize it more readily. Once you have identified what seems to be a small second voice that usually speaks to you, refrain from overthinking. Treat this voice as your soul. You will soon know if you are right or not.
Now you will have to break down some mental barriers, because where your soul resides, emotion reigns. Are you ready for what’s next? If you find that what I’m about to share makes you uncomfortable, don’t worry and read it to the end. Revisit it in the following days, and continue doing so until you sense a stir of emotion.
Consider assigning a name to your soul. Choose one that resonates with you, perhaps a childhood nickname or something deeply authentic and connected to your essence or upbringing. If inspiration hasn’t come yet, allow it to surface naturally, be it in hours, days or weeks. There’s no rush. Once it arrives, you’ll recognize it, and that’s the name you’ll adopt.
It’s crucial to nurture your bond with your soul. For me it was easier if I imagined it as someone different from me, as my being that lives inside me, my essence or inner child. In reality we are the same being, but in order to relate to that small voice, I learned to talk with him/her as if it were my other self. As the relationship becomes more fluid, you will hear her more often because you will identify her voice amidst the chaos of emotions.
If all this seems fanciful to you, that’s understandable. Just keep in mind that it’s not about creating an imaginary friend or hearing voices in your head. Your mind might offer endless diagnoses about what common sense says. But let me tell you something: Don’t forget how you are now. In this journey, you’re alone. You came here alone, no one beside you because only you know the emptiness you feel. So from now on, everything else matters little. You must break with all the beliefs of the coherent world and the majority. It is precisely these beliefs that have led you to be where you are, disoriented for not having paid attention to your being.
Now you will have to believe in the invisible and jump into the void. Only then will you discover that life sustains you. Then you will see that in this beautiful process the material world is gradually discoloring because the answers are not in it. You will not find answers in the material world but in the emotional one. There you will feel the richness of colors and nuances. The more time you spend in the emotional world, the more time you spend experiencing yourself, the more vivid your inner reality will seem. You will realize that the material world is only a reflection of what is happening within you. The exterior is a reality that is one step behind, reacting to your interior.
The awakening journey is deeply personal. You must be ready for it, because no one will experience anything that happens to you. Amidst this process, beautiful transformations and miracles will unfold. Your values will shift, and your matrix, your reality will reshape. With it everything will change, including people or friends. Some will come into your life, while others may fade away. This process involves everything. In the middle of this whirlwind of emotions and changes there will only be you and your soul. Both experiencing everything and getting closer to each other more and more.
This process is a reunion, that’s why it’s magical. It is a process of rediscovering yourself, becoming more authentically you with each step. That is, finally being, more and more, who you’ve always been. It’s your rediscovery. Amidst this, incredible things will happen, requiring you to take full responsibility for your life and love yourself like never before. That’s why I tell you that if you’re ready for this awakening, let go of external distractions and focus inward.
Feel yourself, listen to yourself, talk to yourself, love yourself. Start being your best friend. Do everything in your power to foster this newfound relationship even if it all seems crazy. Persist and you will see results. Because you will begin to be aware of how deep your interior is and how neglected you were. I recommend that when you pray you ask your soul for things. Tell her that you love her and that together you are going to make it possible. Tell her to give you the strength to achieve it together. Team up with her. Start thinking as if you were two beings united to become your best version. When you want to realize it, you will have your soul so deep in your heart and so linked to you that you will no longer be two, but one complete being again, so wonderful and genuine that you’ll never want to be separated from her again. Because when you search for yourself, you find God. And when you search for God, you find yourself.
Image Source: Ricky Esquivel from Pexels