Creating something beautiful takes time and paying close attention to details. It’s the same deal with your reality.
Everything related to this topic is awesome. Personally, I think you should be reading regularly about metaphysics and inner growth to take it seriously without thinking that it is paranoid, and most importantly, to be able to understand it without stressing, getting anxious, or frustrated about it.
The first time I heard about this was like almost everyone else, through the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It basically says that whatever you strongly desire will eventually come true as long as you vibrate at that energy level, because things with similar energy attract each other.
That’s all true, but here’s the thing. You’ll hear me say it many times. It all depends on your state of consciousness. It’s that simple. Everything in this world depends on your consciousness level. That’s what makes this journey so complex and tricky (with endless mental mazes!) but at the same time, surprisingly simple once you get it.
Let me give you an example to explain this. To change your reality, you first need to change what you’re paying attention to. It’s crucial that you notice what you’re paying attention to; which, by the way, is our superpower. You’ve probably heard that what you focus on grows.
What you focus on grows
Now, imagine your life is like walking down a hallway with doors on both sides. Each room represents a day in your life, so every day, you walk into a new room.
Imagine you’re in front of a door and a coach gives you some instructions:
– When you walk in, you’ll see a table with some friends. Hang out with them for a bit and then leave.
You do it, and when you leave, they ask you: –What did you see?
You say something like: Well, there were 5 people sitting around a glass table, chatting away, sipping on some fizzy water, messing with their phones, scribbling on papers with pens. The walls were white, with some landscape paintings, and there was a big window with a blind. Across the table, I saw everyone’s shoes and slippers. Everyone was chatting animatedly.
Did you see a golden letter opener? – they ask you.
– No, I didn’t see it.
– Are you sure? It was right there with the pens.
You didn’t see the letter opener. No matter how hard they try to convince you, if you didn’t see it, you just didn’t. Or maybe you did see it, but you were not aware of it. For you, in the time you were in the room, that letter opener was not there and, in your experience, that letter opener simply did not exist. Sure, the easiest thing would be to go back in and check, but that’s not allowed. Don’t worry, you won’t be able to enter the same room but you can look for it in the next one.
The next day, you’re in front of the next door and they tell you: – Do the same thing as yesterday, look around, and then leave.
You do everything the same, but this time, you look for the letter opener. And you find it, not just today, but every day after. Sometimes it’s on the table, sometimes on the floor, under papers, chairs, or in a corner. You can even find it in completely different settings: a restaurant, a family gathering, or a beach. It doesn’t matter where you are or who’s there. If you know there’s a letter opener in every scenario, you’ll find it.
Now that you’ve become an expert at finding the letter opener, you ask the coach:
– Now I see the letter opener in every scenario. Will it always be there?
– Yes, it’ll always be there. In fact, it’s been there in every scenario since you were born.
– But how come I didn’t see it before?
– Because you weren’t looking for it or you didn’t think it was there. You were focused on other things. So from now on, in addition to the letter opener, you’ll let me know if you see the figure of a butterfly. And when you find both, you’ll also start looking for a penny.
That’s how it goes in life. Each day is a room you can’t revisit once it’s over. You can’t go back, but you can start figuring out where to find the letter opener tomorrow if you want.
So what’s the letter opener? Well, it’s like having a positive perspective on whatever situation you’re in. And the figure of the butterfly? It’s like finding something loving or kind in that situation. Whatever, but loving. Either from what you feel or from the actions that others are doing. And the penny is the next nuance in your perception that you will have to continue looking for in all the events or days of your life.
These nuances you’re looking for might not be the same for everyone. What’s positive or loving for you might be different for someone else. So you’ll have to do some soul searching to figure out what makes your day great. I’m talking about what you think you need to have a perfect or ideal day or event. Look for positivity, love, personal fulfillment, gratitude, self-esteem, solidarity, admiration, integrity, nobility, confidence, assertiveness and, ultimately, everything that beautifies the spirit.
The tricky part is believing you need things to happen to YOU. That certain things happen to YOU, that you physically experience them or that certain things are told to you. No. You don’t need anything to happen to you (although more and more will happen to you). It is only required that you identify these qualities in your events and live these perspectives that did not exist for you before. It’s not that they didn’t exist before; you just weren’t aware of them. You get it?
That’s why the same event can be totally different for different people. It all depends on your tastes, your lifestyle, your traumas or joys, your mood, and, most importantly, your consciousness level.
Start with a positive outlook and then look for those nuances I mentioned. Soon, you’ll see them in every aspect of your life without even trying. It doesn’t matter if there is no direct effect on you, you must first be aware that it exists. That is, start seeing positive nuances in your life and soon you will see them automatically, without having to reflect on how to turn a personal circumstance into a positive one. Simply as you are living your event, you will see the nuance and be aware of it, and therefore, you will live it too. When you’re aware of something, you experience it and live it, regardless of whether it directly affects you.
As I’ve said before, it’s not enough to understand things intellectually. You have to feel them. But don’t worry, as long as you’re aware of them, you’ll feel them. It’s impossible not to. If something enters your consciousness, it enters your world. You just need to redirect your focus. And once you’re aware, the event will actually be for you. That’s one of life’s paradoxes.
What awaits you doing this? Well, you’ll start to notice all these positive vibes around you, and you’ll realize they’ve been there all along, just waiting for you to notice, and that you, along with everything that happens, are being part of it. And this leads us to something more beautiful, because you will really witness how your reality changes in front of your eyes and that it was you who made it possible, with your focus and attention. You make your own reality.
And believe me, when you start seeing one good thing, more just keep popping up. And know? It is not just about believing or positive thinking—it’s about experiencing it firsthand. And if you understood the Law of Mirror, you’ll realize that life’s changing beautifully because you’ve already changed inside, in your consciousness. So simple and complex.
Find your letter opener.
Image Source: Egor Kamelev from Pexels