We are a creation capable of connecting to its source to restore its original state.
All about The Source caught my attention. I wanted to know what the source was, what connecting to source was and, especially, HOW to connect with that spiritual source from which energy that could be felt apparently emanated.
Really we are always connected but we don’t feel it because we don’t pay attention. There is too much noise around us, too many stimuli and, above all, too much excitement in our heads. If you quieted your mind you could feel and connect in a conscious way, through meditation. But you know? We often connect to that source energy unconsciously! It only takes one trigger and we all have a few. For example, feeling love for a child or our parents, doing a good deed that moves us, or contemplating any beautiful thing that leaves us speechless and transports us to another state. We are wrong to believe that the sunset is what brings us awe or that an inspiring speech brings us inspiration from somewhere outside of ourselves. It’s not a specific song that gives us goosebumps either. And it’s not the movie with a happy ending that makes us cry. All of these are triggers that make us lower our guard and connect with our being. We let our guard down precisely because we believe that the emotion comes from the movie and that if we stop the movie we stop the emotion.
From now on, pay attention to your moments of inspiration and your moments of emotion. You will discover that both moments share the same emotion. And you know what? If you have a partner, pay attention to everything you feel for them and compare this emotion with the others. Don’t define anything intellectually, just feel yourself. What do you feel? Don’t you realize it’s the same emotion? It’s all part of the same, you’re actually feeling part of the same love. If you have come to understand this, perhaps the following will create some interference for you. When you are feeling love, when you are excited, when you are crying with joy, you are feeling love, that is, you are feeling YOURSELF.
Why do I say this? Because love doesn’t come from outside, it has never been like that. The proof is that you can feel the same emotion listening to a song as watching a sunset. And even when the song goes out of style and no longer provokes anything in you, it is another new song that produces that state in you. Do you see that it doesn’t make sense? If the song gave you the emotion, it would always give it to you. Do you know why this happens? Because the emotion never came from the song. It was just the trigger that caused it. And now you have another new song (another trigger) that makes you connect with yourself again.
When you begin to realize that you can access this emotion of love through different ways (using different triggers), you will begin to be aware that there is a place of fundamental emotion that you can access and that it is always there, available to you. You just have to find the trigger that transports you there.
You may also have noticed that when you listen to your favorite songs you end up energized or full of well-being. And that when you are with your partner or a special loved one you feel complete. Every time you feel love, you are connecting to the Source, and feeling grateful and fulfilled.
There are several ideas that converge here. Once this is understood, you must begin to think that you carry that love and that you don’t obtain it from things. Also that every time you connect you can feel and feel love. And now it becomes more interesting, because that emotion you access is full, unconditional love, and to the extent that you can feel it more often, you will also be filled with love more often. Did you know that chi means flow of energy? When you connect to Source you become a channel and love (that energy) flows through you, like the flow of a river. You just have to be aware of it and let that door stay open for as long as possible to let all the love of Source into you. Perhaps this seems like just an odd metaphor to explain the emotion of intense joy or crying of happiness, but it’s simply because you have not paid attention and have not identified that this emotion of love is the same in all cases.
If you are in full love, take the time to check that you feel that great love in more situations. Simply the person you are in love with is a powerful trigger that transports you in seconds to this place of fundamental emotion, showing you the incredible capacity that you have to love and allowing you to be aware of all the amount of love that you have within you (since you feel it intensely), not the other person.
Keeping this channel open throughout the day will depend on the faith you have, the degree of surrender you are willing to make, the attention you pay to the emotions you feel and your self-esteem or self-love you are cultivating, because if you don’t love yourself deeply, you will always think that love is given to you by others and, therefore, doesn’t come from you.
When you are aware that you carry this emotion (love) that is so great and powerful, capable of making up for a bad day and moving you until you cry with happiness, you begin to think that many other things are possible.
How can it be that we have the mechanism to feel love until we are moved and can experience it in a non-transferable and personal way? If I can cry with happiness every day, then I can heal any wounds that occurred throughout the day. Do you realize this healing power? You can heal yourself without the need for a partner and without the help of any external stimuli (movie, song, sunset). You simply have to connect, feel yourself and become a channel for that Source of love. And you can do it by meditating or connecting through a trigger, as long as you are aware that what you are feeling comes exclusively from you. And then boom! things begin to have less power over you, because the emotions don’t come from them. And even if you are affected by an external event, you can heal yourself by connecting and filling yourself with love again. And the best part is that now you are full of love and you don’t need to ask anyone or beg for love or affection. Only when you are full of love (self-love) can you give it to others! You see it? And now you can give it without measure and without fear of it running out since it is unlimited.
Finally, if all this seems very obvious to you, it is because you are thinking about it intellectually and you are not feeling it. Understanding it cognitively doesn’t contribute anything, it only clarifies, however, if you consciously feel it you will experience something fantastic, which may be your next click: you will experience detachment.
When you become aware of this reality that exists within you and have the experience that you can become an extension of this unlimited Source, you will realize, naturally, that that Source that empowers you can only be God, the Universe or the Life, and that you have always had a direct connection to it.